The Fourth Article of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ: second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It is Getting Cold!!

Every day before we leave the apartment, I check the temperature for Lansing, Half Moon Bay, Clovis, Salt Lake City, and New York City and we have been winning the prize lately for the coldest temperatures. We have been in the 20's last week so I guess winter is on its way. Yesterday we raked leaves for this lady as a ward service project I have never seen so many leaves and she had a HUGE yard. I can't remember the last time I raked leaves so it was lots of fun and the lady so appreciated our help, even fixed us hot apple cider. Her yard was gorgeous and went all the way to a beautiful little lake. She said it freezes over in the winter and invited us all back to go ice skating this winter. Michigan is such a fun state. Afterward we roasted hot dogs, etc. outside and it goes on record as being the coldest BBQ I have ever been to---even with a hat, cloves, and parka on, I was still freezing.

Loved hearing from all my children on my birthday and the fun surprises they sent me. One of the gifts Heidi and Heather sent me was a new apron. It is really adorable and I had to laugh at myself this past week as I was preparing for the lunch for Friday Forum. There I am in the kitchen cooking away in my dressy clothes with this frilly apron on and high heels. I looked just like the perfect 50's mom in the kitchen fixing dinner for the family.

The framed picture is one we purchased in Nauvoo as our birthday and anniversary presents to each other and a wonderful memory of such an amazing place! The picture is a touching reminder of our family's pioneer heritage.

Last week seemed to be super busy as we also needed to attend a Missionary Training Meeting with President Jones on Tuesday and Wednesday. The meetings were wonderful and once again, I am so impressed with the young elders and sister missionaries in this area. They all work so hard and we really learn so much from them. We also attended a baptism and gave away two Book of Mormons.

One of our craziest experiences, and a real first for both of us, was being ushered to the basement because of a tornado warning. (We are only used to earthquakes and tsunamis.) Elder Poulsen was just beginning to teach a class at Hillsdale College when someone opened the door and told us that we needed to vacate the classroom and go to a safe area. We had heard lots of sirens, but we didn't have a clue what was going on. We hung out in the basement hallway with a few hundred college students for about an hour until it was safe to leave.

A little side note. The picture of the trees at the top of our blog, really do look like this in the peak of the fall-----unbelievably gorgeous!!!

I was reminded of this profound quote today from Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun who worked among the poor in India most of her life: "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." May we all reach out in love and kindness to all.

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