I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to teach Institute classes. How great is it to be able to actually have time to really study the scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ? This summer I am teaching the course entitled, Teachings of the Living Prophets. It is such a great opportunity to teach these amazing young people about the blessing of living in a day when living prophets are upon the earth and help them know that Heavenly Father speaks today as He has in all dispensations.
After attending the Detroit Temple on Thursday, we took the opportunity to visit The Henry Ford Greenfield Village, which is one of the best historical attractions in the United States—the Wright Brother’s original workshop, Thomas Edison’s lab, George Washington Carver’s log house, etc., etc.
Brian Kinghorn and family invited us to the annual Cereal Festival in Battle Creek on Saturday and going to a cereal festival was definitely a first for us. We had breakfast with the whole town.
I like that Peony!