The Fourth Article of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ: second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

We Are FINALLY in Our New Home in Michigan!

This is looking at the back of our apartment. We are on the second floor, right behind that beautiful tree that is already changing colors. We love our apartment and we feel like newlyweds again setting up housekeeping--but we are wiser and have a little more money to buy basic needs,etc. this time around. Our neighbors are sweet and one even stopped by this evening with a little fall gift to brighten our apartment. We are cozy and happy here and the ward is full of darling young adults which we are looking forward to getting to know. The top picture was taken out of our livingroom window. We have a gorgeous view of the woods and all the trees here are just starting to change colors so I am looking forward to a spectacular fall. We had a lovely visit and dinner with the Mission President and tomorrow morning we meet with the CES director for this area. It is going to be a busy week.

These are only two of the many sculptures located in the the Women's Garden at the Nauvoo Visistor's Center. They are such a marvelous tribute to all women and made me so proud to be a women.

Nauvoo was inspirational beyond words!!!!!!

A few pictures of the beautiful Nauvoo temple perched on the hill overlooking the historical city of Nauvoo.


  1. Looks great! The Nauvoo temple is beautiful

  2. Congratulations! Post more pictures of the inside soon. The kids would like to see it.

  3. Home Sweet Home! Very fun, you guys!
